Monash University Surgical Interest Group - Orthopaedic Masterclass Education Evening at RACS

I was invited by Michael Armstrong (Director of Orthopaedics, Eastern Health) to come along and disseminate some basic understanding of orthopaedic principles of fracture management to Monash Uni Undergrads with an interest in the Surgical Specialties. It was a lot of fun working alongside Peter Lugg, Janet Hsuan and Anthony Jacobson (all colleagues of mine at Maroondah Hospital) as we demonstrated multiple different techniques for treating fractures, including newer techniques with intramedullary nails that we are currently using at Maroondah. For the orthopaedically tech-savvy, these newer devices require less use of an image intensifier and instead use a magnetic rod to help implant the distal tibal nail crossbolts. It was a great opportunity to go back to the teaching coalface from my Anatomy Demonstrating days, working in small groups with undergrads, teaching those things that I find interesting, namely anatomy and musculo-skeletal medicine.

The first photo shows me “in action”, teaching the eager medical students, and the second photo is of the orthopaedic surgical staff that evening. These photos were kindly provided by Matthew Lam, Monash University Surgical Interest Group Social Media Representative.